Saturday, December 12, 2009

Ági's Birthday Dinner

On Friday Ági and I went to Tettye Restaurant to celebrate her birthday.  Great food and even better conversation.  I have to say a word about Ági as I get ready to leave Hungary.  She is just an amazing woman, and I am so thankful that I had an early chance meeting with her.  I know that our friendship will continue after I return home.  In fact, I just got a text (everyone here refers to them as SMS) from her - informing me that she has obtained a camera for her computer so that we can video chat!   This women is one of the kindest, most generous people I have ever met.  She is also funny and smart.  It is because of Ági that I saw Plitvice Lakes in Croatia, hiked up Zéngo Mountain, and went to the extreme sports park.  Wow, come to think of it - she nearly killed me!!  She has really been a big help with any difficulties I've had.  Just yesterday, she loaned me a flashlight so that I can walk down my street at night without stepping in the mud puddles.  That will really come in handy tonight when I return from the trip to the wine country after dark and possibly slightly impaired.
Ági is just the kind of person who always seems to think of other people first.  I am inspired by her thoughtfulness and unselfish character.  Here is Ági at her birthday dinner.  And shots of our food.  A fish plate (carp, pike and catfish) and turkey breast stuffed with plums.  I thought the Hungarian flags were cute.

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