Friday, December 11, 2009

Going Away Dinner

On Wednesday the students in my documentary film seminar invited me to one of their homes for a farewell dinner.  Ours was a small class, so we got to know one another through the semester.  Thanks to Réka for hosting.  To Ádam, Lili, Márton, and Réka – my sincere thank you for a delightful semester and an awesome going away dinner.  We made galuska together – so I see now how to make these tasty homemade noodles.  I guarantee I’ll be cooking these back home.  A wonderful dinner – topped off by Lili’s special dessert.  Yummie.  And, of course, there was a little wine drinking.  And, most of all, great conversation and laughs – and more wine drinking.   We certainly got to know one another even better after this evening.  Well, if these students represent the future of Hungary – then Hungary has a bright future.   The thanks these students gave me was really touching – a beautiful thank you card – and they even gave me a sealed card for February 6th – my Hungarian name day!!!  So I shall look forward to the day I can open that card.  And I take home with me many fond memories of this class.   Here’s a look at cooking galuska 

1 comment:

  1. Nice of them to have a dinner for you. Yes, bring home the recipes. I'm ready to try them.
    Name day, hum, when is mine?
