Sunday, December 13, 2009

Trip to Villány Wine Country

Last night Lászlo Tarnay arranged for a trip to the wine country with Aron, Lászlo and Krisztián, colleagues from the film department at the University.  I had a wonderful time.  Áron was kind enough to drive us all – no small sacrifice since the driver can not drink.  The wine cellar served a hearty dinner with great wine, of course, and, afterwards, we all went into the wine cellar for a tasting.  I’m afraid that I lost count of the number of wines we tasted – eight in the cellar, I believe.  Then we returned upstairs for dessert – two different kinds of retes – a type of Hungarian strudel.   Wow, what a great evening.  I had a fine time talking to Krisztián about all the Eastern European DVDs he’d given to me to watch.  I have to take the time here to thank everyone for making my semester very pleasant and welcoming.  Especially, my thanks goes to Lászlo Tarnay – what a wonderful guy.  Without Lászlo I would never have had this opportunity to live and teach in Hungary.  This has been something that I have wanted to do for awhile, and Laszlo made this happen for me.  I will always be grateful to him and have wonderful memories of this semester in Pécs.   Here are some shots at dinner and in the cellar.  You can see behind Laszlo the cellar wall has coins stuck to it.  The moisture is such on the brick walls that you can put a coin or paper bill onto the wall and it will stay.  So a shot of the guys at dinner; Laszlo T. in front of the coins, Áron and Lászlo, Krisztián and me, and in the cellar.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like a good time was had by all; would have like to have been there.
    Laszlo is a great guy. Did you buy at least one bottle of wine?
