Saturday, October 10, 2009

CinePécs Film Festival

This four day film festival highlights the work of first time directors in central and east Europe. I've have seen some wonderful films from Slovenia, Poland, Austria, Bulgaria, and Bosnia so far. I'm looking for films that I can bring back to the States for the Kansas International Film Festival (KIFF) next September. I'm very impressed with the quality of the films and the festival in general. Screening at 10 in the morning and continue until 8 at night. A concert every night follows the last screening. I haven't made it to the concerts yet. I am impressed with how many people have turned out at the screenings I've attended. And looks like lots of students which is quite encouraging. I see many of my students here and also professors from the university. As far as the films - I'll just mention a few. Vladimir Balko's Soul at Peace was a great film. The story of a man, getting out of jail, struggling to reconnect with family and friends and build an honest life, was at once an intimate portrait of a Slovak village and its daily life and problems, and at the same time a univeral story of aging men, friendships, betrayals, and just the fates that life hands out. The director was a very humble man who apparently worked in documentary film before making his first feature drama. I was also moved by a Polish film, not in competition - Reliable System. A female director who was able to create very moving characters, particularly the lead actress, as an aging woman trying to redeem a past mistake. The interconnected lives, especially of the older man who is charmed by this lovely neighbor, makes for multi dimensional stories about life and loneliness. Fortunately, the festival organizers have both English and Hungarian subtitles for most of the films, extending a welcoming hand to festival goers by announcing films in both languages. It is much appreciated by me - as I am able to see these wonderful films. The whole festival is well organized in every aspect - I'm very impressed and off this morning to see more films.


  1. Right up your alley, so you are shopping for films. Festival sounds great!

  2. i agree with dad! movies all day, i'd like to be there.
