Sunday, November 15, 2009

I Set Myself on Fire Today

Here is a photo of my burned sweater; you can see the holes and the scorch marks.

I’m generally impatient – so because I have to physically hold the gas knob on my stove in for awhile before it will stay on, I usually hold it with my hip while I try to do something at the same time – chop onions, or get out paprika.  Today, I was heating up my chicken soup and getting out a bowl, when I looked down to see that I was on fire.  It was quite a sight, and had I not been a bit alarmed to see flames jumping from my sweater, or had just had a moment to think, I might have grabbed my camera to capture it.  But here is a video showing how this happened.  


  1. Ouchy Dotty~ Just remember to stay in natural fabrics if you are going to flirt with self immolation. They tend to burn up rather than melt onto your skin like synthetics and give you a nasty burn. I think you really ARE very lucky~

  2. Dotty, I can understand explaining how you caught yourself on fire but not sure about the reenactment, you really went above and behind the call on this one. Be Careful!!

  3. I'm a little late on this one. I have a gas burner when I go next door (caretaking). a simple process. Gas is quick. Make sure it is on, calibrate the flame, then do whatever...

