Friday, November 27, 2009

Kino Café and Thanksgiving Dinner

On Tuesday (Kedd) I got an email from one of my students that the film department was having a party at the Kino Café, which is attached to the Urania Theatre.  It started at 11 p.m. – wow, past my bedtime.  But I took a nap, set my cell phone alarm, and went to the party.  I saw several of my students there – here’s a photo of Lili and Adam and I at the party.  Thanks for the beer, Adam.  I left after 1 a.m.  Marton told me the next day he left at 3 a.m. and things were still going strong.  Well, too late for the old woman, but I am always warmed by the friendship shown to me by my students, present and former ones, who include me in their festivities. 

Speaking of former students, I was delighted to get an email from another former student, János Berta, whom I met for coffee at the Café Paulus.  I am overwhelmed, that in a country so far from home, I have so many people with whom I can share a drink and conversation. 

And on Thanksgiving Day, despite the horrible events at the University, I was happy to be able to have dinner with my friend and colleague to whom I am indebted for being able to spend the semester in Pecs – Laszlo Tarnay.  What a great dinner for Thanksgiving and such a pleasure to have good company, not be alone on Thanksgiving.   In addition to being a brillant and generous man, Laszlo is a good cook – others will tell you the same.  We had a wonderful Indonesian curry dish and a dessert recipe from his mother (and grandmother’s) cookbook – a chocolate pancake dish.  Wow, this Hungarian speciality is amazing.  Note to friends:  despite all my daily walking – don’t expect me to come home having lost weight (as I did in Morocco).  I am eating too much good food here.

1 comment:

  1. You party animal! Ha
    It is really great that you have such good relationships with your students, that they feel comfortable with you and want to include you.
    And of course Laszlo is a great guy, I didn't remember that he was such a good cook.
